Registration Service
Win the Green Card Lottery with us!
DvStart has been helping with lottery filling all over the world for over 20 years.
Over 10,000 people have won the Green Card Lottery with our help


Personal account

Entrance to your personal account is carried out by the number that is issued after filling out the questionnaire.
Fill out the form at a convenient time for you
On our site you can fill out the questionnaire at any time. You do not have to wait for the month of October and fill it out several times due to the large number of applicants and the constant freezes of the official website
Get your personal account
By filling out the questionnaire on our website, you do not have to fill out the questionnaire again every year. It will be necessary to update the photos and data of family members. Your "Confirmation number" will also be displayed in your account
No knowledge of English is required
Fill out the questionnaire in a language convenient for you: Russian, Uzbek or English. This will relieve you of the fear of making a mistake somewhere. Indeed, on the official website of Dv Lottery, you can fill out a questionnaire, only in English.
Let's not make mistakes
After you fill out the questionnaire, our specialists will carefully study and check your data for errors. If an error is found, a corresponding notification will be displayed in the personal account
Experience of professionals
Over 10,000 people have won the Green Card thanks to our help. We have a great and invaluable experience that will help you when submitting your application and after winning. We know many subtleties and nuances that are very important when visiting the US Embassy
24/7 Support
In your personal account, it is possible to send a message or a question to the support service and receive a qualified answer from a specialist

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